A holistic approach to moving better . . .
a little bit about Lilly
I have been a physical therapist for more than 30 years. 30 years! Where does the time go? I guess it goes by fast when you do something you love. I enjoy working with patients who are motivated to feel better. I focus on helping people be more aware of how they move to encourage independence and self-care. My goal is always to assist in improving your quality of life.
Manual treatments are important for every day health and the positive effects can last longer than a standard treatment, such as massage. While massage feels good at the time, manual treatments such as myofascial physical therapy create structural changes that are more long lasting. My therapy techniques treat the WHOLE you and are designed to not only treat the symptoms, but find and address the possible causes for long lasting benefits.
Lilly Weissinger, PT
San Martin, CA 95046
Mail: lilly@mobilitywithlilly.com
Some conditions we treat
chronic pain
acute injuries
trigger point issues
muscle spasms
accident related injuries
sports injuries
muscle weakness
neck/back pain
foot pain
symptoms from previous injuries
Parkinson's Disease